Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Facebook profile stealers

Just print the money!!!!

I got a friend request for the second time in two days...  I didn't think anything of it until I got a message from that person in broken English.  Time to fry some African spam.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Are you a fan of wrestling?

This guy was bold enough to post a full ad on my facebook page.  They are getting more bold.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Monopoly Money

I'll send it in a community chest

This one was weird...  It was about Monopoly until it was about Google Translate.

~ Cheech

How to Handle Unwanted Facebook Messages


This seems to be the best way to respond to facebook message spam from strange women...

~ Cheech


Have some Spam sir.

My good buddy Scott got this email from Africa and forwarded it to me for my own enjoyment.  I decided to turn the tables on them and send some spam of my own.  I used his same email but "tweaked" it a little bit.


You will have to open the images to read them...

Prison Flies Follow-Up

Does this keyboard make me look fat?

So Mr. Prison Flies decided to follow up.  Kudos to you Mr. Salesman!  Also, meet my brother Rupert.

~ Cheech

Prison Flies

Just make sure they are barbless

There literally wasn't anything this guy wouldn't agree to other than not accepting Bitcoin (which was disappointing.)  Good thing he was intrigued by Monopoly money.

~ Cheech