I make good blog for you
This blog is going to be used more for an archive than anything so the frequency at which it will be updated is entirely up to the quality fly tyers in other hemispheres.
Here's how it works. I tie and sell flies quite a bit, and I post the pictures on my Facebook account. Several times a month I get random friend requests from "fly tying companies" mostly based in Kenya. Now, some of these guys actually tie a decent bug, and I know that people actually buy them and catch fish with them, but I start to take issue when they absolutely don't relent in pushing their flies on me. THAT is why I like to mess with them. I also take issue with them ripping off images from other tyers and saying that they tied the fly. Not cool. This piracy and pushy nature leads me to request such flies as the Thumper Humper, Thuggish Ruggish Bone, and Optimus Primate. Funny thing is that they always say that they can tie them... and that they accept Monopoly money for payment.